Will of Light
CV : Shizuka Ito
A childhood friend of Ash, Elisabeth is part of the Blanctorche bloodline, a family tasked with stopping Those from the Past.
She joins this KOF to honor her debt to Kukri. Elisabeth is far more strict with herself than others, and maintains a righteous and principled mindset that refuses to make concessions. Controlling light, her fights tend to dazzle any onlookers lucky to catch a glimpse of her in action.
- Fighting style /
- Blanc-style martial arts + light fist technique
- Birthdate /
- November 1
- Birthplace /
- France
- Blood type /
- A
- Favorite food /
- Wine (Château Latour)

What do you do on your days off?
I strive to fill my days with meaning, doing what I must so as to live without regret.
Why did you join this tournament?
I am here to provide assistance, based on a compact of mutual aid.
Have any fighters piqued your interest?
Benimaru Nikaido. I do not look forward to the prospect of trouncing an old acquaintance.
Quite a different lineup for this tournament, isn't it?
My teammates may have changed, but I have not. Still, I would like to team up with Duo Lon and Benimaru Nikaido again someday.
What would you do with the prize money?
I would use it to support my family.
Anything to say to your fans?
I vow not to sully the name of the Blanctorche family.